Who is Taisi Neeme?


Taisi Neeme graduated from Rakvere Secondary School’s art class and obtained a degree from the University of Tallinn. In 2022 she participated in the EKA Open Academy’s “Abstract painting” course, under the guidance of Johanna Mudist. In 2023 she took part in the Pallas’s course “Vabamaal”, under the guidance of Sirje Petersen.

The artist uses both oil and acrylic paints, preferring landscape as a painting genre. Paintings are born spontaneously, in the alla prima technique, cultivating an abstract and impressionistic approach. The paintings are simple and understandable in type, perceiving the infinite greatness of the artist’s soul in the endless color of the hinterlands. The motifs are recognizable, abstractly suggestive of the situation, nuanced and colorful. The format is cheerful, positive and stored with ease.

Looking at the painting from a distance, one encounters the artist’s own depth, passion, experimentalism, supreme fluidity and abundance of details. Being in a perceptible synergy, introspection and deepening, being able to convey the unfathomable grasp of the concept. Each work speaks to the viewer according to his/her outlook on life, seeing and feeling information and engaging energy that speaks only to him/her. The presence of spiritual maturity exudes from the paintings – manifesting as a personal narrative, offering soulful feeling associations, ensuring a dose of life’s colorful color gamut.

Participations in exhibitions and motion pictures:

  • Autumn exhibition of artists of Lääne-Virumaa “Heads or tails” in Rakvere Gallery (2023)Virumaa Teataja
  • Personal exhibition “Värvigamma” Vergi port restaurant Wirkeś (2023)Restoran Wirkeś
  • Motion picture “Aurora” (2023)ERR
  • Joint exhibition of Finnish Lapua artists in Rakvere Gallery (2023)Virumaa Teataja
  • Personal exhibition “Psyche” in Tallinn, Pelgulinna civic centre (2023)Kultuur.ee (Tallinna Rahvaülikool)
  • Lääne-Virumaa spring exhibition of artists “Better fishing rod than fish” in Rakvere Gallery (2023)Virumaa Teataja
  • Autumn exhibition of artists of Lääne-Virumaa “Best before” in Rakvere Gallery (2022)Virumaa Teataja
  • Spring exhibition of artists of Lääne-Virumaa “Captured laugh and tears” in Rakvere Gallery (2022)Virumaa Teataja
  • Personal exhibition in Rakvere Päts cafe (2022) Virumaa Teataja

Contact Me

Phone: +372 5850 5124
E-mail: tahegalerii@gmail.com

You may also use the contact form to get in touch.